Fitness Challenges For the New Year

By: Anthony Campo

– Perform one set of as many pushups as you can do everyday for a year. Do this and you will be amazed at the number you will end up with at the end of the year. If you cannot perform a full pushup, no problem, simply perform a modified pushup until you can perform a full one.
– Squat as low as you can for 1 minute everyday for a year. Go to lowest position you can with good form.
– Get all the way down to the ground on your back then back up everyday for a year. This simple movement will go a long way towards helping you maintain a baseline of strength, as you get older.
– Pick 3 areas that would benefit from stretching and stretch them 2x per day x 10 min for a year.
– Pick 3 weak areas and perform activation/strengthening exercises 2x per day x 10 min for a year.
– Go to the gym at least 3 x per week for an entire year (No Excuses!)