One of The Healthiest Things You Can Do

By: Anthony Campo

The overwhelming majority of experts would agree that the general population would benefit from eating more vegetables. It is no secret the wide variety of health benefits you receive from eating an array of vegetables everyday. Not everyone loves to eat vegetables and many individuals struggle to eat them on a consistent basis. Here is a simple tip that will help you get the much-needed nutrients that come from vegetables.
Even if you are someone that does not consider yourself a vegetable lover, you most likely can at least name a few that you do not hate. Whenever you go to the grocery store make it a point to walk through the entire produce section. Purchase every vegetable that looks even semi-appealing to you. Spend one day per week cleaning and chopping them all up. Lightly sauté them with some olive oil and your favorite spices. Eat them as a side dish at least 4 times per week in order to supercharge your health. The more often you do this the easier it will become to find different vegetables that you like and find out what combinations work best. By making a big mix you can also sneak some veggies in there that you don’t even particularly like and you might not even notice the taste. If you make this part of your regular routine it will go a long way towards improving your health and wellness.